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10:00 12:00

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Latest Message: 13 hours, 50 minutes ago
  • Lisa b : Hi sexy
  • Thursday Night 10-12 : With @Crucial_Intelligence & @Fractis
  • landless peasant : these things take time
  • Alex G : Thank you for this wonderful trip back in time
  • landless peasant : even if pointing the speakers to sky doesnt work, the neighbours will love it! and if they dont, they will
  • landless peasant : might just clear the clouds
  • landless peasant : that is some manic techno you got there !
  • G Dog : Tuned in mate morning to all looking after my mother in Eastbourne so shout out to my mum Maggie
  • landless peasant : no such luck for you with me. I'm here till the end. How are we already half way through the 3rd hr?
  • Jim B : keeping the sounds going.....low volume....ssshhhh
  • Jim B : Thanks Rich. Enjoyed the show but 09:30 meeting about to start. I may or may not be around for the end...
  • MistaYam : Yes yes Rich …. Locked on from the other side of the English Channel …. Big energy this morning! The music not me …. Morning all 👊🏼👊🏼
  • Alex G : Good morning fellow head nodders!
  • Jim B : Enjoying these Rich. Got my head down working hard head nodding all the way
  • landless peasant : how is it already hr 2? Good day to all.
  • Jim B : I see everything now Rich
  • Jim B : a bit loud yeah.....
  • Jim B : 😆
  • Jim B : As much as i love seeing your face Rich, I preferred it when i could see the decks as well on the old Mixcloud...
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all from a gloomy Birmingham
  • Ashbash : Yes yes boys
  • Calamus : How's it going? Everybody happy, la la la la la
  • peg leg asbo : yo yo people
  • Dj 3lson : Go on then!
  • Nektr : Big ups! Sounding fresh
  • Nektr : Straight bangers bro vibing in the kitchen!! Hope you well!
  • Alex Purssell : Awesome love this track, not sure I have heard this remix though
  • Alex Purssell : Evening mate, sounding good
  • Toby : Good evening / morning!! Locked in from Whistler - Canada. Please give my girlfriend Anna a shout out. We're sat in the garden remote working whilst staring at the mountains. Loving the tunes!!
  • Half way House : Up at six 🙂
  • Sam Anglo : Higgo remix
  • Shiftz : Yooooo what's this Golden remix? Banger 🔥🔥🔥
  • Eddie Wang : Loving the tunes, locked in from Bournemouth, no crisps for me just prawn crackers and soy
  • Crispy Chris : I do eat cornflakes too sometimes
  • Crispy Chris : I'm aiming for 12 of the jumbo packs today record is 10 so far
  • Crispy Chris : T bone steak is all gone now time to get the bad boy watsits out
  • Mikey : Apparently its better for me to goto the vet but will keep listening to tunes
  • Ryan : Would you do a proposal for me on air to Tyler? I have a ring on me and ready for that question to be asked 🙂
  • Ryan : I love my Tyler!
  • Ryan : Just in the back of the car with Tyler its so hot here and he keeps trying to cuddle me.. loving the tunes though
  • Mikey : Not sure if i need a vet or a doctor for my seagull bite haha
  • barry from watford : in need of a bank holiday monday
  • Crispy Chris : Got myself a big bag of T bone steak crisps for the show!
  • Mikey : Listening to the tunes and got bit by a seagull!
  • Sam Anglo : Live in 10 people
  • DJ 3lson : Oh yes oh yes! 🙌
  • rhinosounds pegleg : bit of old skool ragga
  • MistaYam : Cheers for the Shout Nektr 👊🏼
  • MistaYam : Yes yes …. Locked on 👊🏼
  • Shiftz : MVR stepping up now
  • Shiftz : Big up Leighann, proper going in on a Tuesday ya know
  • Leighann botd : Shiftz always on fire 🔥
  • Leighann botd : Bangerssss
  • Leighann battle of t : Big up shiftz my guy fire set already 🔥🫶🏽
  • Alex G : Bangers indeed
  • Nat King Hove : Is it greedy to ask if you can play Monday, Wednesday and Friday too? 😃 Will give you the weekend off.???
  • Alex G : Good morning!
  • Nat King Hove : Mornin’ all !
  • Nat King Hove : Ooooph ! No need for coffee this morning 😄 How were your gigs on the weekend Rich?
  • CS Listener 8691 : testing
  • Ali Wilson : Nawty!!! Hautboxx is rocking!!! 🙌🕺🙌
  • Ali Wilson : I think so
  • Phil Able : @Ali Wilson I got a GOOD feeling about this
  • Ali Wilson : I got a bad feeling about this
  • Ali Wilson : Oi Oi
  • COACTION : Want to hear more from us? Follow the link below
  • Ecotone : Genuinely sick tracklist so far, added most of them to my Spotify!
  • COACTION : Yes people. COACTION inside the studio til midnight til 12 with dnb flavours
  • Tattoo john : Dislexic I meant angel
  • Tattoo john : Big it up love Angela
  • Tattoo john : Raving in Bognor Regis
  • CS Listener 3306 : Yhyh
  • Love angel : Haha, yeah just loving this 😊
  • Love angel : I love listening to this without having to get off our nut & appreciate the music
  • DJDaveyB : hello everyone
  • DJDaveyB : I am on v shortly - 6pm UK
  • DJDaveyB : How we doing tonight?
  • CS Listener 7026 : What's the tune playing now?
  • MistaYam : All good mate … hope ur well … tuned in from France … cracking tunes … have a good week 👊🏼👊🏼
  • the general : thank u for lockig on 🙂
  • MistaYam : Bangin General 🙌🏼🙌🏼
  • the general : in da house
  • Larrikin : 🙏🏼 thanks Gaily x
  • Gaily : Nice work, Nick 😎
  • Gaily : Boom!!
  • GeneralPanic : Cracking track that xx
  • Kieran : Morning marra. Funky ass shit, thank you 🤩
  • GeneralPanic : Larakin 🤸‍♀️
  • Zara : Tony Allen on drums is 👌
  • Zar n Joe : Morning Nick 😀
  • MCC : i believe you can still get us on mixcloud live
  • MCC : ah damn... goth old of technical just now.. fngers crossed!
  • Gail : how come I can't hear you?
  • Jonny Lindsay : *tips his hat to Nick, I hope lifes treating you well fella
  • CS Listener 7373 :
  • CS Listener 7373 :
  • Benjo String : Purple Paul crushing it! Mouth full of crisps!
  • Love angel : And lavender
  • Love angel : This homemade spray tea tree organic aromatherapy for prevention of bites & after healing is working a treat. Thanks mama x eeeeeee
  • Love angel : Are you a cop cap I'm a cap. Whiskey is for cap's & pussies. I'm a fireman.. are you a cap? Eee
  • Love angel : Thank you for this experience
  • MDH : MDH team!! xx
  • MDH : big love to everyone that is locked in!! have a fab weekend xx
  • Kat skr : Up loudddd
  • MDH : whats that?..turn up your speakers!!! you know you can!!
  • MDH :
  • Kat skr : Sounding banging mark
  • CS Listener 5757 : Kat skr
  • MDH : come on code south...last 40mins!!!!
  • Ellie : Sounding great 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • MDH : yes ellie big up to you
  • Ellie : Heyyyy MDH!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
  • MDH : only the best nowwwww
  • MDH : niceee appreicate the feed back brother!!
  • Gman : Yes back in the game!! Audio went funny but back to normal again!! 🙌
  • MDH : oi oi kelly..hope you tearing up the floor under you right now!!
  • Gman : Nooooooooooo
  • MDH : hahahah yes then
  • Gman : You best your ass we are! 🙌
  • Kelly Broad : 🔈🔈🔈
  • MDH : mad love homies xx
  • Gman : SKRs locked in MDH! Let’s GO!!
  • Jay Bish : Brilliant 🤩
  • MDH : just warming up after slight delay lol
  • MDH : heard!!!!
  • Roben : Harder faster
  • DiDove : 🥃🥃
  • DiDove : DiDove
  • Kelly Broad : 🔈🔈
  • CS Listener 4142 : Evening everyone
  • Ellie : Oi oi again
  • Ellie : Clarke-Walker
  • MDH : yes Gman lets be having ya x
  • Gman : Sounding good Mark 👌
  • MDH : yes yes sis....lets goooooo!! xx
  • Jay Bish : Sounds epic 🥳
  • Jay Bish : Let’s go 🤩
  • Gman : Yes MDH!
  • Gman : Here we go!
  • MDH : looking to be live in the next 5-10 mins...sorry about this guys...well worth the wait, promise x
  • Gman : Yes MDH! Let’s gooooo!
  • Gman : What’s happening Mark, looking forward to the tunes!
  • CS Listener 8842 : Glam M
  • MDH : Few technical issues 10 mins we should be on air
  • CS Listener 5106 : Yes Mitch mate - perfect vibes XX
  • CS Listener 5106 : Sarah Monument
  • MistaYam : Have a wicked weekend Rich 👊🏼
  • MistaYam : Yes yes Rich … Easy Chatbox Crew …. Got the sunsheeeeeeeiiine up here today 🙂🙃
  • landless peasant : hey Jim B, good day to you too!! It is a bit dark outside so hr3 fits the vibe quite well. ive also got 800 ish notifications of vehicle loads over 44t to get through today. poor city of london, getting pounded, got to protect it all
  • G Dog : Shout out to Toby doing his last art therapy this morning
  • Nat King Hove : Here sir ! Am singing along whilst having a shed clear out 😄 Happy birthday Jim B ! Aren’t you lucky starting the day with this 😎
  • Jim B : morning landless peasant!
  • Jim B : not my vibe at all but very proud of him!
  • Jim B : Available to buy for only £1.30
  • Jim B : Shameless plug for my son-in-law’s new dubstep tune……it’s NUMBER 1 in the Beatport dubstep charts!
  • landless peasant : morning rich, and the thursday codesouth massive.
  • Jim B : Morning G dog!
  • G Dog : Morning mate and all CS familia..schools out for summer as last day for me and it’s the holidays!
  • Jim B : and the Welsh man still doesn't have the fan on!
  • Jim B : very appropriate for my very chilled out mood....
  • Jim B : perfect first hour vibes.....
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all from a gloriously sunny Birmingham morning.....on my 51st birthday!
  • Lady K : Ps love the beginning of your show
  • Lady K : Morning Rich , waking up to you and hoping for the sun to shine today and the next few months. Peace
  • Wifey : xxxx
  • Daisy : Glad I got back before the end
  • Daisy : Hello again, Alex! Phone battery died thought I was going to miss everything!
  • TimTam : Great set, feel ready for the weekend
  • Hudstar : Tuuuuune
  • Hudstar : Oi Oi Mr P
  • Daisy : Hello Alex, hope you're well 😊
  • G Dog : Tuned one more day and then it’s summer holidays..schools out baby
  • Sam Anglo : LIVE IN 5 PEOPLE
  • ChangMAN : me and dj rhino making other djs nervous
  • ChangMAN : Dubby Dubby Sound
  • ChangMAN : Roots&Bass
  • DJ RHINO SOUNDS : old skool jungle
  • DJ RHINO SOUNDS : Rhino Sounds through till 12 tonight
  • DJ RHINO SOUNDS : hino s
  • DJ RHINO SOUNDS : yes yes people whats good
  • MistaYam : laters Sofabum hopefully catch you on thurs
  • MistaYam : not at all mate ... no drama ... have a great one
  • sofabum : Have a great day all!!
  • rich mathias : oh and MistaYam I missed you in the roll call! sorry mate, and cheers for tuning in 😍
  • MistaYam : Class Rich
  • sofabum : Fabulous tunes Rich. My hangover has completely gone, and I didn't even have one. Has to be down to the choices of tunes. I'm sure of it. I hope your Gin&Tonic Flavoured Monster sorts you out - have a great day!
  • MistaYam : All good in the soggy hood 😩
  • MistaYam : Yo yo yo … a rare foray into the Tuesday shenanigans for me today … likin the vibe today Rich … chilling like a villain … morning all 👊🏼👊🏼
  • Nat King Hove : Love it. I am going to re listen to the show all over again at 10 😁
  • Nat King Hove : Hah yes remember the hail? Bonkers
  • sofabum : Nice. Also did Senor Cox last year in the pouring rain. I'm guessing that was also probably Rich's fault. This year I'm away for all of them sadly- enjoy!
  • Nat King Hove : 😂. Bicep and Underworld. Did Carl Cox last year. You?
  • Alex G : Lol Perhaps this is what angered the sun gods
  • sofabum : I don't find the CodeSouth Chip in my head intrusive at all, however it is a little disturbing when the channels get muddled and I end up watching Rich's specialist late night website browsing feed. You really do have some questionable tastes young man. Wash your brain out with soap!
  • sofabum : LOL ALexG - and I'm keeping everything crossed for you NatKingHove. Which one are you seeing?
  • Alex G : Sun gods are on holiday 🙁 gone somewhere sunny
  • Nat King Hove : Hahaha love that! It is ace what you do, tuning into your listeners. Who’s going to On The Beach this weekend? Please let the sun gods be kind 🙏
  • Sofabum : Dorfmeister is exactly what I was needed this morning. How did you know? How do you do that? Morning all - hope your breathing is relaxed and bidirectional this morning.
  • Phil Able : @Ali Wilson: you're welcome man. Thanks for the smashing tracks
  • Emmastalford : Ali i think you need to buy phil a beer . See you boys soon x
  • Ali Wilson : Big thanx mate!!! 🙌🕺🙌
  • Emmastalford : Brilliant thank you 😊 ❤️
  • Phil Able : @ Ali Wilson: better than bottoming out 😀
  • Ali Wilson : Your heads come off!!! 😂🙌🕺
  • Ali Wilson : 😈 😂🕺
  • Phil Able : gotta support the supporters! 😀
  • Emmastalford : Phil the legend ! 🙌 this is a tune
  • Emmastalford : Big love ❤️ 🤣🤣
  • Ali Wilson : Thanx u lege!!!
  • Phil Able : @Ali Wilson gave you a shout too 😀
  • Emmastalford : Phil i missed it my phone clicked off . Oi oi
  • Phil Able : Done! 🙂
  • Emmastalford : What about my shout out . I missed it pants !
  • Ali Wilson : I think Emma wants a shout out Phil… 🕺🙌😀
  • Emma stalford : Another great track
  • Emma stalford : Loving this .....Ali Wilson is on fire 🔥
  • Phil Able : cantina cutlery? 😀
  • Ali Wilson : Called Cantina because it’s a sample from the bar in Starwars called cantina!!! 😜😜😜
  • Phil Able : We're gonna be with Tekelec til 1am then HAUTBOXX from 1 til 0200
  • Ali Wilson : 🙌🙌🙌
  • EMMA STALFORD : Lets, go phil!
  • EMMA STALFORD : What a banger !
  • EMMA STALFORD : Lets ave it boys ! Great track my favourite
  • Phil Able : WE'RE Back!!
  • Ali Wilson : Let’s ave it!!!
  • Emma : Stalford
  • Splatt : Loving the vibes
  • CS Listener 3823 : louisa
  • Sean E Sean : Welcome back! Loving the disco vibe. Tunes on and twitching in the kitchen. Big shout to Sue Too!
  • Davey B : Good evening everyone!
  • The Rocker Dude : Yo!YO!yo! Big up with This Jungle Set! it's massive fire!
  • Fusion Hybrid : Going live in 5!
  • Connor Clarke : Go on Danny, Listening in 🔥
  • Andymoore : Vibes
  • Andymoore : Locked mate
  • Bro : hi you're listenig to timeless electric radio show all sorts coing up progressive tribal all sort!]
  • Fractis : Progressive Trance 10-12
  • SDMS : xxx thanks Priya! X
  • Priya : take care SDMS ! xxx
  • Priya : ok i need to go and eat now, but thank you so much for playing the Weekend Lover tune!! and the set has been amazing so far, loving it! xxx
  • SDMS : BRO! XX
  • Bro : My ears absorb your music👌😉
  • Priya : very hard to do that!
  • Its Juls baby : 👋
  • SDMS : my pleasure! XXX
  • Priya : nice one Juls !
  • Its Juls baby : 💃🏻You have some very talented friends 🎶 SDMS
  • Priya : are you guys on mixcloud?
  • Priya : wow amazing!
  • CS Listener 9300 : Braszko😘😘😘
  • Priya : thank you SDMS, for playing Weekend Lover!!
  • CS Listener 9300 : Jestem i słucham😘
  • Priya : thank you SDMS!!!!!!! xxx
  • Its Juls baby : 👋 Your set at pride was the best 🪩👏👏
  • SDMS : We love the tune, Priyaaaaaaa!!!!! XXX
  • Priya : great!!
  • Priya : loved worthing pride!
  • Priya : thank you !
  • Priya : yes i can hear you!!
  • Priya : yessss SDMS!!!!!
  • SDMS : SDMS in the house, let's go! XXX
  • sofabum : Have a great day CS Listener Massive Crew.
  • MistaYam : Have a great weekend all 💥
  • MistaYam : Lyrical Gangsta 🙌🏼
  • sofabum : Thanks for an excellent show - you've reset the trajectory of the rest of the day, I'm now much less likely to hurtle, spinning, into the terrifying meteor field of life
  • sofabum : "MistaYam, He makes his own SPAM, without even a can he can jam with the ham" OK needs some work.
  • MistaYam : My own jingle …. Mate that would make me feel like listener royalty! 🤣
  • MistaYam : Yes yes Rich … easy Sofabum 👊🏼🙌🏼
  • sofabum : Yes - I can confirm it wsa not the track before this one it was the one that goes bum-de-tish thump bang thwap bum-de-tish high hat snare, wobble boing slide backflip. You know the one?
  • sofabum : One before I think - hold on I'll hit rewind
  • sofabum : Beloved and New Order colab?
  • landless peasant : seems hr 3 has got a lot to live up to.
  • sofabum : Bananarama that was good! Dancing in the sunshine.
  • Alex G : Traffic so slow on A27, at this rate I might make it till end of hour 3. Not a bad thing
  • sofabum : I don't think a stepladder can help you after this track. You'll need a sky elevator
  • Sofabum : It might experience once DJ goes down the dark tunnel of discombobulation. It’s very difficult to pull them back out of the D hole.
  • Sofabum : You really are discombobulated! Hope you’re good Rich
  • Alex Purssell : Morning sofabum and G dog
  • Sofabum : A-ha have just called, asking if you’re playing them next? Can’t beat a bit of Morton Harkett
  • Alex Purssell : Morning mate missed the first hour but looking forward to the rest of the show
  • G Dog : Cheese on toast
  • Alex Purssell : Bit of an 80’s feel, like it
  • Alex G : I sadly missed hour 1, high hopes for hour 2
  • G Dog : Totally agree that’s the right ingredients for deep house track
  • G Dog : Morning Jim B and Alex
  • G Dog : Morning mate from un bella art therapy this week as its experience week so mostly Media studies so loads of video and editing and love the Deep soul track
  • Jim B : Morning Alex! Great first hour Rich!
  • Alex G : Hello everyone
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all from a dry but cloudy Birmingham
  • Half Way House : up @ six today
  • G Dog : Locked in just finished supporting the kids during experience week
  • Shiftz : As if you're opening with the Woof theme though! Literally thought I was one of the few who actually remembered it😂
  • Sam Anglo : live in 10 people
  • NEKTR B2B KLYKR : Easy Rolling out until 10pm! get ya shouts in!
  • Nat King Hove : Great set this morning ! I just told the builders next door to turn their radio down (I’d never do that normally!) but if I hear them sing along to Brucey or Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi one more time, over your set, I swear I will thump them 😄
  • sofabum : Morning Alex G, its OK Axel F stepped in to cover you. Mel C was unavailable and The A Team were blowing up stuff. Awesome tracks Rich - I have forgiven the Genre Spinner. Gotta bounce!
  • Alex G : Accidentally missed the snooze button this morning, massively overslept
  • sofabum : I did introduce myself as sofabum, otherwise that would have left her utterly baffled!
  • sofabum : ...and who should come to my polling station, but CFN! I was totally star struck and she was probably a bit confused as to why an overenthusiastic Presiding Officer bounced across a packed room shouting "Charlene From Neighbours", expecting her to know who I was.
  • sofabum : Sorry I missed last weeks show. I was running the polling station in Mile Oak. #TuckTheFories. I very much enjoyed the show you uploaded on MixCloud- What the funk happened indeed it was most amusing indeed. Although what happened to the last hour?
  • sofabum : Bring it on Genre Spinner! Lets have it!
  • sofabum : I took the genre spinner. I've weighted it heavily towards Chilled Deathcore Ibiza Sunset Speed Grunge, so good luck today Rich!
  • COACTION : Thank you listeners, til next monday! Have a sick week ahead
  • COACTION : Yes people, COACTION ready to take over the airwaves
  • Bognor Regis Albert : Happy Birthday to everyone that has had their birthday 1 day after the other. Cancerian central eee xx
  • MistaYam : all good thanks mate ... busy few days behind the decks 🙂
  • MistaYam : yes Nick .... hope ur well
  • the general : me too welcomre aboard
  • Pete : Glad i tuned in
  • Pete : Oioiiiiii
  • Pete : Greets from Toruń, Poland bro
  • the general : oh yes 🙂
  • Pete : Bangin track this...
  • the general : in da house
  • CS Listener 7646 : Loving This ! Wicked set Bro
  • TracerDNB : 4-6 DNB
  • Keri : Just got back from a long tragic day! Lucky to catch this set! Brightened my mood already!!
  • Rach :
  • Rach :
  • VickynHenry : Hello from us!
  • Ellie n Jessie : Boogie time in the kitchen while we’ve got the flu!
  • Brighton101 : Great soundtrack to go with Brighton Girl Kartal playing Court 1 at Wimbledon
  • Rach : Yoyoyo
  • Sue tooo : Hello hello. Locked on in the far. Shout to you and my wonderful driver Seane sean
  • Alex Purssell : Evening guys looking forward to the show
  • CS Listener 7279 : Vicky
  • Friday Night House P : How does this all work again?
  • Friday Night House P : Technical issues sorted...
  • Every Thursday Night : friday night house party
  • Bognor Regis massive : Big up peace love harmony respect
  • Every Thursday Night : @Crucial_Intelligence & @Fractis
  • niquid : cheers guys see ya next month!
  • CS Listener 5138 : Please vote. I don't care who for (obvs I have my preference), but please vote. 90 mins left. Great tunes though... keep 'em coming.
  • niquid : hello!
  • Studio : live
  • Jim B : Nice one Rich! Been working and lurking…..
  • landless peasant : Cheers bud, good tunes today.
  • G Dog : About to Elsie & Toby doing art therapy in the garden this morning lovely weather for it
  • Jim B : Don’t tell anyone. AirPods in…..
  • Jim B : Locked on from the office! Let’s go Rich
  • Alex G : Jazz FM interfering with the airwaves again
  • Alex G : Anyone else not in the mood to do any work today
  • G Dog : Shout to my nephew Aaron who’s birthday day it is today
  • G Dog : Some do say I have a G Dog strut ! Sunny all day mate well in Sussex it will be
  • G Dog : Morning Rich wow you threw me a curve ball earlier with those funky the great Sam Cooke song ‘A change is going to come’ regarding the elections and after yesterdays difficult day of needy girls at school today will be mostly spent in the gardens doing art therapy oh more funky vibes please
  • Mrs Mc : Morning Rich, tuning in from the gym 🙂
  • Jim B : Morning Rich. Quickly saying hi before I head off into the office! 5th time since lockdown!
  • The Rocker Dude : That's some wicked playlist! big up to who put this together!
  • CS Listener 3349 : That b2b with3dj’s was mad! Wanna hear dis again!
  • Studio : you all enjoying this?.. b2b b2b b2b !!!
  • Studio : get yourselves down volks codesouth takeover
  • Ashbash : Have it
  • Studio : Volks Till late only £2 codesouth Drum & bass DJ's
  • Ashbash : ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  • Ashbash : Thanks 🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿
  • Wifey : ❤️🦿❤️🦿
  • Ashbash : Have it boys
  • Studio : Pegleg b2b Rhino b2b Rockerfari
  • Calamus : Hello all from Somerset
  • Pegleg b2b Rhino b2b : Welcome Shout box open
  • Marts a Pilot : Awesome tunes mate! Listening while cooking dinner !
  • BenLuvsLiverKing : Dancing round my living room HMRC style
  • BenEbdsFlange : I’m tall n rockin out
  • Barny Rubbles 2nd Co : Yeeees! Barny R and I rockin it.
  • G Dog : Tuned need your up lifting beats after a day of needy school kids love them but boy non stop
  • barny rubble : yes yes
  • Sam Anglo : Live in 10 people
  • Ashbash : Well good thanks 🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿🦿
  • Ashbash : Thanks hope everything is going well
  • Ashbash : Kittens for the win
  • Ashbash : Tune
  • RHINOSOUNDS B2B PEGL : yes peeps whats happening
  • Ashbash : Have it
  • Ashbash : Yes yes boys
  • Nektr : Tomorrow evening @the volks Brighton. 'Codesouth Sessions' 6 hours of codesouth dnb djs on the terrace. 8pm-2am free entry before 10pm! See you there!!!
  • CS Listener 4681 : Hi lovely from Eileen and Jane ❤️
  • Alison Love : Hi Ella
  • CS Listener 3925 : hi from ella
  • Nat King Hove : 🤣 yes please!
  • Nat King Hove : Oh blast it 😣 Will be away. Sorry, didn’t see the link before. Keep telling us when you’re playing live ☺️
  • Nat King Hove : Yey ! Would that be on 31st Aug? 🙏
  • rich mathias : come join us!
  • Alex G : Still thoroughly enjoying your back to back set with the mixer gremlin
  • Alex G : Morning! Not sure of it's just me driving thru black spots but the sound keeps cutting, interfering with different sounds and panning side to side
  • Man like hj : Big up th g g g spaghetti mafia
  • jo_b : yoooo
  • Shells : Groove theory. Nice 🙂
  • Shells : I'm in Peterborough
  • Shells : At uni in Brum
  • Shells : Fams good. TOP, he's doing ok under the circs. Chip is good. Mum is mum lol. I move out of area so I'm super happy these days 😃
  • Shells : I've missed you sweetie xxxx
  • Shells : Damn. Tune in late and miss tales from the hood.
  • Nick T : Thanks mate!
  • MistaYam : Class show mate as per 🙌🏼
  • MistaYam : had the lovely Lizzie Curious DJing with us on Saturday mate ... incredible
  • MistaYam : morning Nick ... tunes fella
  • starley : taking me back. good times
  • Studio : the general in da house
  • Studio : Yo Yo Rockerfari 6-8 Jungle Drum & Bass Vibes
  • CS Listener 7978 : is that chimpo?
  • CS Listener 7978 : gutter
  • CS Listener 7978 : tinnies n ciggies is a great song name
  • CS Listener 7978 : testis testis, 1, 2... 3?
  • Ya Carrot x : Nightshift it🥰🥰🥰🥰
  • Ya Carrot x : GO ON BABE ❤️❤️
  • Ya Carrot x : Derek 🤣🤣🤣
  • Ya Carrot x : We love ya both
  • Ya Carrot x : Carrot n plunge ❤️
  • Fusion Hyrid : How you doing beautiful people?
  • Fusion Hyrid : BOOM!
  • CS Listener 9206 : Yo Jenni 💚💚💚
  • Nektr : 💥 This Wednesday the 3rd of July Codesouth teams up with The Volks Nightclub for the first instalment of Codesouth Sessions! This month catch our current roster of Drum and Bass DJs across 6 hours in the legendary Volks! FREE Entry before 10pm and weekday deals in full effect! Don't miss out!
  • Nektr : oioi!
  • Brody : awww lisa xxx
  • lisa b : hi nick lovely
  • lisa b : great tune
  • Brody : good to have you with me lisa;-D x
  • lisa b : evening
  • Brody : good evening guys welcome to the timeles electric radio show
  • lisa b : oi oi
  • Nektr : 8pm-2am see you there 🙂
  • Nektr : 💥 This Wednesday the 3rd of July Codesouth teams up with The Volks Nightclub for the first instalment of Codesouth Sessions! This month catch our current roster of Drum and Bass DJs across 6 hours in the legendary Volks! FREE Entry before 10pm and weekday deals in full effect! Don't miss out! 🔊
  • CS Listener 7675 : Loving the New Big Proper Club Sound!
  • Thursday Night 10-12 : @Crucial_Intelligence & @f
  • Big al : Nice set tonight stan
  • CS Listener 8152 : Sam will see you Saturday Happy days
  • Mumalou : Now your talking what a great mix
  • CS Listener 3508mumm : Now your talking love it what great mix nelly
  • CS Listener 8152 : Hi Stan, banging tunes listening in Bracknell with Beth, Sam and Dave. Love you lots Jules x
  • BIGGLILM : ♡ think break on this one ♡
  • Sean E Sean : Locked on ! 🎵❤️🙌
  • Sue tooo : Both good here too ta. Enjoying the sunny vibe..
  • CS Listener 3508mumm : Locked in stanon this sunny windy eve
  • Sue tooo : Locked in . Hoping you are well😁
  • SDMS : Man gwaaa naaaa, I love this tune as well.
  • SDMS : Vibing with you, have a great evening!
  • SDMS : These tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuneeeezzzzz 💕🎶💕
  • CS Listener 5318 : BIG G With Lil M
  • Big al : Listening in the garden
  • Gary Dunbar : 👋
  • Sidlet : Come on ! X beautiful into
  • stan boogie : live from 6-8pm ! lets gooo
  • ADMIN : 💥!!EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT!!💥 This Wednesday the 3rd of July Codesouth teams up with The Volks Nightclub for the first instalment of Codesouth Sessions! This month catch our current roster of Drum and Bass DJs across 6 hours in the legendary Volks! FREE Entry before 10pm and weekday deals in full effect! Don't miss out!
  • topC : Greetings from sLOVEnia😎
  • yinks : now live previewing my new tunes
  • rich m : - for any shows you've missed!
  • sofabum : Alex - please move your show I can't make that time Wedensdays. Thankyouverymuch
  • Alex Purssell : Got to be 10/10 mate hope you have a good day too
  • sofabum : Got to listen to some of it in between life and work and taxi runs. Have a great weekend all
  • sofabum : Big love to all of you and thanks Rich
  • Alex Purssell : Good show mate enjoyed that
  • Jim B : Thanks Rich. Loved the show!
  • CS Listener 11 : what about coffee in one of those toddler cups with a lid on, would that be allowed?
  • MistaYam : Morning Rich ... morning all ... was listening in the car on the way in ... couldn't message obvs
  • CS Listener 11 : how much damage could 1 spilt espresso really do
  • landless peasant : good day to you all, jeez third hr already, how time flies with good music. it is waking me up with rich, but i am going to need another coffee. all the best, party hard!
  • Jim B : MOS = Melody of the soul
  • Jim B : Melody of the Soul - Love them
  • Alex G : Hello everyone
  • Jim B : and label Cafe De Anatolia. Loving listening to all these tunes at the moment
  • G Dog : In the wellbeing hub for Art Therapy shout out to Elsie & Toby and special shout to my boss Sharon
  • Jim B : Artists i'm loving since Anjunadeep Explorations: Double Touch and M.O.S
  • Jim b : £40?! 😂
  • Jim b : Some things you never forget Rich
  • Jim b : We did actually go!
  • Jim b : The Ally Pally for the Masters
  • Jim b : You don’t get more relaxing than that
  • Jim b : Yes, we had to specify so I went with snooker
  • Alex Purssell : Thanks mate. Do you want the scores out of 10? 😂
  • Jim b : We had £100 tax paid payment from work to spend on ‘wellness’ 👍🏻😊
  • Alex Purssell : Morning mate, enjoying the show. Helping me get through work this morning
  • Jim b : Thanks!
  • rich m : teh foreboding one? Marco Tegui - Deep South
  • Jim b : I wouldn’t normally ask……
  • Jim b : Out with the dog and will forget it!
  • Jim b : Track id in the chat please?
  • Nat King Hove : Ooh ! Hello 8.30 😁 Great show as always. Sofabum you are hilarious 👇
  • G Dog :  morning Rich and all the regular listeners from a misty Brighton but good news it’s going to clear up and the sun will be here again maybe not in time for 9am Art Therapy but should be for the rest of the sessions
  • Jim B : The Hare and Hounds is less than 2 miles away from me....
  • Sofabum : lol JimB. I’d like to make it to this up your way but not sure if I can:
  • Sofabum : Morning JimB!.
  • Jim B : Morning sofabum
  • Jim B : yes! Aussie Mixcloud regular Julz said slip, slap, slop to me the other day. I thought she trying to charm me......😂
  • Sofabum : Listener number 2 present and correct sir. Mostly teenager taxi this morning - and no - don’t Google that after 9pm. I’m not that sort of taxi.
  • Jim B : This ginger Brummie is always factor 50'ed to the max!
  • Jim B : Warm and muggy up in Birmingham. No 'it's too warm' complaints from me 😄
  • rich m : yay! good to have your ears
  • Jim B : here for the duration
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all
  • pegleg b2b rhino sou : big up ashbash
  • Ashbash : Tune coming up
  • pegleg b2b rhino sou : big up ed solo codesouth foundation
  • Wifey : Yes 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🔥
  • Ed Solo : i had the codesouth link transmitter in my house around the time i made this !!
  • Ed Solo : send a big shout out to Terry T
  • The Rocker Dude : Some Big tunes there! niiicccceee like ice cream!
  • Wifey : Baseline growler!!! love it xxx
  • pegleg b2b rhino sou : shout out to ashbash big up ED SOLO
  • Ashbash : Tune
  • Ed Solo : big ups
  • Ed Solo : yes yes
  • Ashson : Have it
  • pegleg b2b rhino sou : lets have some fun
  • Asbo : Yo yo bro locked in from unknown Project hq
  • random audio : Get Your Shout Outs IN!!!
  • random audio : Stay Locked 8 - 10pm
  • random audio : Welcome to the Random Audio Show
  • Slikmix : im up at 18:00 please leave A/C on lol lol (Peace sign)
  • Slikmix : look at that.. just in time for sesame street
  • Shiftz : Also, Sesame Street into MJ Cole into Ten City is a hell of a way to start the show 🔥🔥🔥
  • Shiftz : Glad you enjoyed the show last night, probably one of my all time favourite Codesouth shows, that. Mixcloud upload coming tonight, @shiftzukg on Insta for the link (shameless plug 😝)
  • G Dog : Afternoon Sean E Sean
  • Sean E Sean : Afternoon G Dog
  • Sean E Sean : Locked on! Love a bit of 10 city🎵🎵🎵
  • G Dog : Tuned in had whole day in school gardens doing art therapy and now it’s time to go loving the tunes
  • Shiftz : Easy Sam, proper vibesy start to the show, loving it 🔥
  • Nektr : Hitting with the acid jazz flex aha love it
  • Nektr : 12 Codesouth DJ's 6 hours gonna be mint!
  • Nektr : Love bro! Shameless plug 😛
  • Nektr : !EVENT ALERT! Codesouth DNB sessions 3rd July @The Volks 8pm-2am
  • MistaYam : locked on ... summer garage flavas ... nice
  • Nektr : Vibes! Big up the Anglo
  • Sam Anglo : Live In 5 People
  • Rhino Sounds : These RIDDIMS
  • MrLubbaDubba : 💪
  • Ali Wilson : Oi Oi!!! 🙌🕺🙌
  • rich mathias : evening everyone 🙂 I've got to rescue my motorbike from London Town tomorrow morning, but I've put up two mixes you won't have heard before, hope you enjoy and see you on Thursday 😀
  • MistaYam : Yes yes you know it Bro … thanks for the deddi 👊🏼
  • MistaYam : Always loved the vocal on this tune 👌🏼
  • MistaYam : Yes Bro … glad you found your way in 😉 shout out to the one and only MisPhit 👊🏼👊🏼
  • MistaYam : Yes Shnuckz 👊🏼
  • the general : thank you very much 🙂
  • MistaYam : Top tunes mate …. Tek a bow 👊🏼👊🏼
  • MistaYam : Tuuuuuuuune
  • MistaYam : Yes General …. MistaYam and Ben the driveway racer locked on
  • the general : in da house
  • zara : toones
  • CS Listener 6742 : Blinding tune that
  • CS Listener 6742 : Nice sounds to start the weekend
  • CS Listener 6742 : Mitch
  • Glen Fairy : I saw The Buggles live. How old am I?!? Older than I feel, obvs…..
  • Glen Fairy : Properly pulling outta the bag. Wicked!
  • Glen Fairy : Groovy
  • Glen Fairy : Co127desouth
  • Thursday Nights 10-1 : @Crucial_Intelligence & @Fractis
  • MistaYam : Wicked show Rich ... nice one ... have a great weekend
  • MistaYam : wicked ... will have a listen
  • Jim B : mainly weekend mornings, gentle melodic stuff
  • Jim B : MistaYam - I've also started dabbling in the old MC streaming as well
  • MistaYam : top man ... just check out the pictures from the last event ... propper vibes
  • Jim B : Nice one MistaYam.....i'm definitely coming over!
  • MistaYam : just sent FB fwend request mate 🙂
  • MistaYam : good man Jim B ... totally get it ... it's all still out there for your listening and dancing pleasure... in fact it seems to have kicked on in the last few months all over ... never any pressure ... I'm always on the hustle tho 😉
  • Jim B : MistaYam Apart from Mixcloud i'm only really on the FB. We need to talk -
  • Jim B : MistaYam, you are 100% correct. I've now been out out 5 times since lockdown and do struggle. But feeling it now!
  • MistaYam : yo Jim ... glad to hear you had a nice time ... if you can do 2000ish miles to see Anjunadeep you can surely do the 20ish miles to Kenilworth to see me and the crew tear it up 😉
  • rich mathias : I put a few up on here every so often:
  • Jim B : 😃
  • Jim B : Easy plug for you....
  • Jim B : So Rich, where can i listen to the back catalogue of your shows?
  • Jim B : I'll be going to this every year now for sure!
  • Jim B : Dhermi, Albania yes
  • Jim B : Most amazing 6 days ever. Beautiful music and people with so much love being shared ❤️
  • Jim B : Fresh back from Anjunadeep Explorations
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all from a sunny Birmingham
  • Alex G : Good morning everyone
  • G Dog : Morning MistaYam missed the tune! Shout out to Elsie & Toby doing art therapy in school gardens what a lovely day
  • MistaYam : heh heh
  • sofabum : Easy MistaYam. Had a little mini kitchen boogie to that last one. I can feel hour 3 scratchning at the door, desperate to join the party
  • MistaYam : Easy Sofabum, G Dog
  • MistaYam : yo yo yo .... morning Butt
  • G Dog : Yes Blasé what a tune if you can play after 9 so my kids in art therapy can listen to it and understand real quality music sounds like
  • G Dog : Morning sofa bum and Codesouth familia, will looking to do the sessions outside (have Bluetooth soundbar at the ready) nearly forgot it’s the year 11 last assembly today with shirt signing and a free ice cream looking like being a good day
  • sofabum : Wow - beautifully melodic, simmering gentleness, theraputically mindbouncing. Lovely Hour 1 Rich. Shout to G and his Dog possie
  • G Dog : Morning mate at last all the GCSE exams are finished so big up those year 11 and have Art Therapy all day ! Hope all is well in CodesouthVille
  • Wifey : 😘🦿
  • CS Listener 6311 : Maria Garrett Gotch
  • Pegleg-Rhino-COACTIO : Evening Calamus! Nice to have your ears again
  • Calamus : Evening
  • Pegleg-Rhino-COACTIO : Big love Jenna
  • Wifey : 🫶🏼
  • Pegleg b2b Rhino Sou : Yes people jungle flavours all the way
  • pegleg coaction rino : lets have it
  • COACTION : Taking over a bit early tonight, but a huuuuuge b2b coming your way at 10pm
  • coaction : yes yes people
  • HalfWay House : Happy Wednesday! Live @ 18:00
  • CS Listener 5469 : Tunnnneeee! Dreadzone!…
  • Slikmix : afternoon - not heard this for sooo long!
  • Sam Anglo : Live In 5 people x
  • Pegleg b2b Coaction :
  • Calamus : Evening
  • Wifey : Xxxxx
  • Pegleg b2b Coaction : oi oi listeners, liquid special heading your way! Any requests? Let us know!
  • Treadz : b2b for the last hour mush
  • Treadz : follow me on all socials @TreadzDJ
  • sofabum : Loved it - thanks Rich!! Have a great day
  • sofabum : The last bit of the first one was cut off - just noticed. Should finish "Mines a pint of low alcohol lager shandy top"
  • sofabum : 🙂 Problem with the chat is that you missed the first part - further down! I should have said it needed to be read the other way round! My fault for missing rehearsals this morning at 5am. Too much cottage cheese last night.
  • rich mathias : nah you're alright 😀 it's a silly name anyway
  • sofabum : Oops sorry for the typo on your name!
  • rich mathias : oo! let me dig out the jingle box...
  • sofabum : .............................Further along the A3, the walkway between the "SunShine Funshine Bar" and the "Sky Sports Stella and Fists" bar is severely conjested this morning as a giant group of protestors with placards demand Rich Mathius from CodeSouth rescues them from this terrifying conundrum. They have superglued themselves to the decks. Now here's Fatboy Slim with todays weather...Scorchio!
  • sofabum : Sofabum Traffic news - Beach Bar special edition. I'm reporting live from the A3 Beach Bar roadworks, and there are astonishing scenes, as the CodeSouth SuperFan Alex drove his 2.4 litre turbo Skirt-Magnet straight across the roadworks, accelerating through the central reservation, where a conveniently placed ramp of sand allowed a launch clean over the barriers, landing next to us on the makeshift beach in spectacular fashion. He peeled back his shades, and proclaimed "Mine's a pint of Low Al
  • Nat King Hove : Niiiice 👌 I was feeling tired from a flight back from France but this is just the ticket 😌 cheers Rich. Morning all
  • Alex G : Dreaming of a drive-thru beach bar at the A3 roadworks
  • Ali Wilson : Ave it!!!
  • The ginger fox : Yes mate
  • rich mathias : bloody hell this is a bit of fun 😁
  • Monday 8-10 : With @Crucial_Intelligence & Fractis
  • Nick T : Thank you! 🙂
  • MistaYam : yes Nick ... tunes fella
  • the general : in the house
  • Jim : Go wisey
  • Jim : Smashing it
  • TracerDNB : 4-6 DNB - drop a message for live shoutouts x
  • CS Listener 4895 : Whooop
  • CS Listener 4895 : So good
  • Zars : Shout Out to the O'Sullivans xxxxxxxxx
  • MistaYam : Locked on 👊🏼
  • Taff Ilsley : Morning brutha😉💃🏻🔥💥🔥🕺🏾👊🏼
  • G Dog : Did you disappear?
  • G Dog : Thumbs up from me
  • Sue tooo : 🤣
  • Sean E Sean : 🤣🤣
  • Sue tooo : Sounding fab to me . Lets go... hope youre all well.. xx
  • Sue tooo : Hello hello happy friday fun time..😁
  • Sean E Sean : All good. Especially now it's Friday!!!!
  • Sean E Sean : Afternoon sir! Happy Friday to one and all and of course Sue Too! Will try and make it down we will be at the behest of our friend Abi the birthday girl!
  • G Dog : Away to Eastbourne this weekend to see Familia
  • G Dog : Afternoon mate shout out to most of the students who have finished their GSCE’s
  • Colby : Shout out to grumpy old Tom loving the tunes on a Friday
  • CS Listener 2791 : Test
  • CS : Every Thursday 10-12 @Crucial_Intelligence & @Fractis
  • CS : It's Fractis and Crucial Intelligence
  • SDMS : thx xx
  • Andrada : Evening lovely ladies 😍
  • CS Listener 9722 : Hii
  • CS Listener 9722 : Andrada
  • SDMS : good evening
  • Nicki : Hey gurl, here with ya 😘
  • CS Listener 482 : Andrada
  • yinks : luv felix
  • fktdoublehelix : heavy tuuunes
  • yinks : Live no
  • MistaYam : class Rich ... have a great weekend
  • landless peasant : loving the vibes today, keeping me going, got to get a ahead today cos i want finish early tommorow. love your new picture of the pier at sunrise! party hard y'all !
  • MistaYam : Thanks mate ... we knew it was gonna go well but the sun came out and it went off ... next up 29th June we've got Lizzie Curious with us at the Ale Rooms ... sold out tix for Lizzie's set but the rest of the day is a free event from 3pm onwards 🙂 determined to get Jim B over at some point!
  • MistaYam : Mate that event at the weekend with Jeni and Tony was off the scale ... we reckon we had between 700 and 1000 people pass through during the day ... crazy ... vibes on top of vibes
  • Beatific Vision : Parlez vous francais?
  • MistaYam : Easy Rich ... locked on ... Sofabum hope you're well you lyrical gangsta
  • Beatific Vision : Locked in now Rich, better late than never!
  • sofabum : No pressure here - will get on it for sure! Have a great day Rich and to all Codesouthers, regardless of your percussion preferences.
  • sofabum : Love the new jingle wish I had time to do one today - I need to record it to show off to my friends, give me extra cool points. Don't judge me we all need cool points from time to time!! Loved the tunes this morning, the kids have even switched off the noise cancelling a couple of times to enjoy the show. High praise from the hormonal teenage grumble monkeys. Gotta bounce and go to an actual workplace. Bucking Fastards.
  • sofabum : What a fabulous start - loved the Welsh Male voice choir - made some emotions come out of me. Hope you're well mate. And the other beautiful tracks that followed. Perfect
  • rich mathias : mornings everyone! I'm remote this week, for all you Mixcloud fans
  • Calamus : Night all
  • Calamus : Hello Asbo. Pegleg, where did you send the link?
  • Wifey for lifey : xxx
  • Calamus : Thanks my friend
  • Calamus : Oi oi bakatcha
  • peg leg : oi oi people
  • Toby : Locked in all the way from sunny Whistler, Canada. Please can you shout out Anna Hickey!
  • Daisy : It's been great show!
  • Keri : This track reminds me a bit of above and beyond!
  • Keri : Very true! Fun to break the norm! I suddenly have more energy!! 😂
  • Keri : Well this has definitely ramped up! Happy Wednesday 😂
  • Keri : Tuned into an absolute banger! Glad to catch the last hour! 😎
  • Daisy : Liking this one
  • Daisy : Hello Alex! Looking forward to the show ☺️
  • MistaYam : yes G Dog
  • MistaYam : Easy Sam
  • G Dog : tuned in at school no students for this hour so music is turned up happy days
  • Sam Anglo : Live In 5
  • Late night workers : Big ups codesouth, sounding crisp
  • Nektr b2b Ogstan : Easy Then Get ya shoutouts in we live for 2 hours!
  • Treadz : safe!
  • Treadz : Treadzdj on all socials
  • sofabum : it was. Its in the bag... BYeeeeE!!
  • sofabum : PS LOVE THIS TRACK!
  • sofabum : Have a superb day all - gotta bounce. Bloomin' work and its constant neediness. Want want want thats all work ever does. Its like a hungry toddler pulling at your leg all day long. Nice one Rich - lets go dancing indeed!
  • sofabum : (Sorry that sounded weird. I didn't mention what KIND of vibes) Obviously Sunshiny Bouncy Summertime YachtParty kinda vibes!)
  • sofabum : PS. @DJ Pegleg and @Nat King Hove - Sending vibes
  • sofabum : OMFG DJ Sneak! Haven't heard this in (insert terrifying number of years here) !! A Very long time. Loving it.
  • sofabum : awwwww..shuckz....:) And wouldn't miss your show for anything, Well - apart from all the stuff I put below. And supermodel sexy fun with belgian chips sprinkled on top. I'd miss your show for that.
  • sofabum : But I did catch the excellent show you put on MixCloud - even did a comment and everything. You know me - i never comment on anything.
  • sofabum : I have missed you all a tiny bit. I've been toughing it out in Wales, electric mountain biking and partying, then off to Copenhagen for 4 days of madness including Distortion festival, Seeing AsInHell on the first leg of their European tour, hanging out in sea swimming slacklining wine bars and more... So yes I've missed you a tiny bit.
  • Dj pegleg : Oi Oi
  • Nat King Hove : (Sorry, nightriders ?)
  • Nat King Hove : Hah, you’re right Sofabum. Love this Frankie knuckles track 🥳
  • sofabum : Woa what awesomeness is afoot? The tunage ths morning is stunning. Neuron bursting madness I tell you. You knows it
  • Selsi : Isles
  • Selsi : Isles
  • Selsi : Selsi
  • COACTION : Big up to you Cartel
  • Pyro cartel : Heavy
  • Pyro cartel : In the house
  • Pyro cartel : The house
  • COACTION : Yes listeners - Ready to take over the airwaves at 10
  • MistaYam : Class Nick … catch you next week 👊🏼
  • MistaYam : nice one Nick .... Easy G Dog
  • Nick T : Morning chaps!
  • G Dog : hello mate just finished supporting our students for their last GCSE maths paper shout out to all taking their exams and morning MistaYam
  • MistaYam : morning Nick ... hope ur well
  • the general : in da house
  • rich mathias : check the outlook window - there should be a text from me
  • Missing Cat Club : which texts mate?
  • rich mathias : heylo 🙂 support here, check the texts and give me a ring
  • Missing Cat Club : update... tech team trying to get us back on air!
  • Sean E Sean : Yes yes! Loved a bit of Break Machine. Cardboard and plenty of bruises to go with it🤣
  • Barny rubble : Don’t forget to check out same day sales on Facebook for all your scrap car clearances! Best price erry time 💷🪝🚙♻️
  • Barny rubble : Yes yes purple Paul on the 1s & 2s live an direct 🔊
  • G Dog : What a tune Water which mix is it?
  • G Dog : Good to hear your back shout out to all doing their GCSE exams
  • Jo b : 🍁garage is the one g
  • Jo b : My g this is nice tunez in da zone right now
  • Jo b : Yo 👊
  • Torbuck : Yo ill come join you for a guest mix if it can get pumping like this 😀
  • Torbuck : Body from baywatch face from crime watch haha
  • Jessie n ells : Who wad that singing sounded like an angel
  • Lottie Mini-Vaughany : Zef5ehujjhjjuffggtgtfrytfttf5gfdrddujj5
  • Torbuck : And to Liv the cleaner
  • Jessie n ells : Smashing it guys
  • Elliot Mini-Vaughany : Good music, lottie was raving a second ago oh and can you say aloha to Lottie Vaughan and me.
  • Torbuck : Shouts to stacie sexy pants please
  • Geri : Shout out to Elliot too!!
  • Geri : Lottie is boogying away to your tunes!!
  • Jessie n ells : Booty is shaking
  • Mike : Lets av itttt
  • Jessie n ells : Ravin in the kitchen
  • CS Listener 3218 : Hi adam feels like the old days!!!! Jojo x
  • CS Listener 250 : Carl
  • Aarthi : Hey there Vas !!
  • Jessie and Ellie loc : Go guys!! Funky beats xx
  • Andy O : Nice to hear you guys back on air
  • Torbuck : Got any Techno? Haha much love lads
  • Torbuck : Yooooo
  • MOV : MOV, Gigi, Dennis, Barry and Lula locked in liking the songs
  • Cuz No1 : Love the beats - just getting ready for work
  • CS Listener 9247 : Hahaha "Oak Muggins" #chump. Not a gold hat, cool cat!
  • Summer and paul : Hello
  • CS Listener 9247 : Just locked on. Will stay as long as I can. Keep things Oak Muggins! (You know who this is...)
  • Sean E Sean : Aha Adam Vaughn back on a friday!!!
  • Sean E Sean : Ha or start
  • Sean E Sean : Great tune to end on!!!
  • MistaYam : Still locked fellas …. Tune 🙌🏼
  • 4 cans deep : Vasinator ! Wallop! X
  • Friday Night House P : Evening al!
  • Stevie Bee : Hi 👋 Vas, Vaughany and Paul... smash it 💪 😋 🙌 hope the AC is on !!!
  • MistaYam : Top Drawer as always ABT … have a great weekend 👊🏼👊🏼
  • Stevie_Bee : Mate will be in touch very soon 👍
  • MistaYam : Always love hearing this Groove Armada track ❤️❤️
  • Sean E Sean : Yeah. He said he'd used your cleaning company.
  • Stevie_Bee : Yaaayyyyyaaaaaaaaa
  • Stevie_Bee : Hi Sonny 👋 👋 👋 🐝
  • Stevie_Bee : Busy weekend this and next weekend 🙌 😎
  • Sean E Sean : So much on! Ah ok. Got workmate Barney Osborne playing with dj lewe tempest saturday too. All a bit crazy
  • Sean E Sean : Booo! Will be at Glitterbox next Saturday
  • CS Listener 6136 : Hi daddy
  • CS Listener 9053 : We are having a dip dip
  • CS Listener 9053 : It’s Sonny
  • Sean E Sean : Love this tune!!!
  • Stevie_Bee : Nice........ 💃🎼🕺🎶
  • MistaYam : easy Stevie Bee
  • MistaYam : pulled that one out of nowhere! ooooof
  • MistaYam : superslick!
  • MistaYam : superslick!
  • Sean E Sean : Sooon to be 5 i guess😀
  • Stevie_Bee : Im sure i can...... 🤣🤣
  • Sean E Sean : 4 cans
  • Sean E Sean : Is that the Romanian birthday photographer?
  • Stevie Bee : Now locked on until Lancing...
  • 4 cans deep : Sean 2 e Sean wallop!
  • 3465 Stevie Bee : 😀🎧
  • CS Listener 3465 Ste : Evening Mistayam, Sean E Sean and of course Adam 🤗
  • Sean E Sean : 🎵🎵🎵🎵
  • Sean E Sean : Afternoon MisstaYam😀
  • CS Listener 3465 : Oi oi saveloy
  • MistaYam : Easy Sean E Sean
  • Steve pilbeam : Good afternoon mate
  • Sean E Sean : Phew! Work done what a day!!! Happy friday one and all
  • MistaYam : We're running an Ibiza daze event in Kenilworth ... gotta keep a lid on it a bit so sub 128bpm 😉 but gonna be some chunkyness in there for sure 😉
  • MistaYam : hah hah
  • 4 cans deep : Oh yes
  • I cams deep : Bonjour
  • Pint dr : Wallop
  • MistaYam : got my lovely Cuz Jeni Hipkiss and Tony Waller up here this weekend DJing with me ... gonna be top 🙂
  • MistaYam : heh heh ... no mate not met ... just linked up on FB tho
  • Big sister : Good afternoon 🌞😎
  • MistaYam : Yes Yes Bang Tidy
  • Niquid : Chooon
  • Niquid : Banging
  • Niquid : Oioi
  • Crucial Intelligence : Playin' oldskool jungle n' hardcore 10-12
  • french bakers : oioi its my birthday n all .... happy birthday to you, nice tooones
  • Jackie : I’m having Great time with you x
  • Jackie : Happy Birthday 🎈
  • Fairy : Frikin canno't wait to see you Saturday.. big squeezes 🥰
  • Fairy : So perfect cheeky little bit of candi Stanton in there..i gave you that on vinyl for you Birthday before..
  • niquid : oioi
  • Fairy : BIRTHDAY 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌⚡
  • niqid : come say hi!!
  • niqid : hello its me birfday !
  • Fairy : Oh yeah just gained a day.. brilliant 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
  • Fairy : All the better to be seeing you tomorrow mate.. loving it.. meow meows 😘💜💙💚
  • Fairy Michelle obvs : How did u not get that 😆😝🧚‍♀️
  • Fairy : Happy Birthday set Nic.. mega loves.. 💚💙💜 i just came to say hello x
  • Disco stu : honestly mate its hard to get anything done during ur set cuz i have to constantly be ready to shazam
  • Mumalou : Just cut out 15 jackets to last track
  • Disco stu : is it the big 3 0 this year? just need to count out my candles
  • Mumalou : Raving on the kitchen table
  • Big al : Blimey stan your going for it night great stuff
  • champainpapi : Connie and Georgie locked in sipping wine n groovin
  • CS Listener 5540 : Shout out for pur Daughter Beth marrying Sam on Saturday, currently listening ❤️
  • CS Listener 5540 : Jules
  • CS Listener 1573mumm : Mumma groovin to ya cutting out the denim garms
  • Disco stu : Why can't dj stan boogie come out this Saturday ? Hes got a previous engagement
  • MistaYam : All good in the hood Bro … been enjoying the African beats on the drive home 🙌🏼
  • Sidlet : Tingly loving it
  • George : Locked in before footy, any sets coming up this summer Mr Boogie?
  • Big al : Enjoying the tunes nice summer vibes
  • MistaYam : Yes Boogieman … let’s go 👊🏼
  • Sidlet : Locked in bby
  • stan boogie : live from 6-8pm woooo
  • joeridds : heavyy
  • joeridds : frisk assesment
  • Wsk500 : Heveah stuff theo
  • yinks : live now
  • MistaYam : heh heh ... no worries ... have a wicked weekend Rich
  • MistaYam : Class Rich .... @JimB get yourself down the A45 to Kenilworth on Saturday ... Codesouth legend Jeni Hipkiss will be DJing with me @ The Station House (she's on at 9pm)
  • MistaYam : heavy tunes ... my ears are confusing my eyes ... my ears are in a dingey underground club with strobes and my eyes are in an office surrounded by people in jackets and grey cardigans ....
  • MistaYam : very late to the party today sir sorry
  • MistaYam : easy G Dog
  • MistaYam : Yes Rich
  • Jim B : Thanks Rich! Got a 09:30 meeting now though.....
  • Nat King Hove : Morning ! Great show always ! You gotta stay on Codesouth forever. Well done for asking no.1 Nat, it is 9am Rich 🌚🤩
  • Jim B : Surely the BBC would love your accent!
  • Jim B : Buddy listens to you when he's not on the walk though so he gets his fix!
  • Jim B : You read the messages out so well! 😂
  • Jim B : So I’ve just taken Buddy out for his walk and as usual I had Rich’s tunes playing in my ears. This morning though for the first time I hooked up my new AirPods Pro….. OMG the sound quality is amazing. Whatever this new spacial, dolby, NICAM stereo sound thing is, it’s amazing!
  • G Dog : To late for History exam both paper already done
  • Jim B : A bit of Catching Flies in the art exam would go down a treat!
  • G Dog : Morning Jm B would be great to have you playing for the guys taking the exam but not allowed not even in Art exam back in my day was allowed music in our art exam
  • Jim B : Morning G Dog!
  • G Dog : Morning Codesouth fam shout out to all those taking their GSCE English Lang today from a beautiful bright Brighton and the tunes are hitting the mark
  • Jim B : Ha! Love it Rich
  • Jim B : deep over beats
  • Jim B : Have i said already? Really?.......😂
  • Jim B : Did i say i'm going to Anjunadeep Explorations in Albania next week?......
  • Jim B : on that amazing label Anjunadeep
  • Jim B : I love Satisfied
  • Jim B : I love a bit of catching flies.
  • Jim B : beautiful opener
  • Jim B : I love making rather than love-making.....
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all. Love making it for the intro!
  • Ashbash : Love you lots and lots
  • Freddie-Jen : 🫶🏼
  • Ashbash : Have it boys
  • Freddie-Jen : yes yes xx
  • Im a prick with no d : Yyyyyeeeeee thets have it
  • CS Listener 2234 : This is the one Ive been waiting for
  • AFR - Distorted Rec : Follow us on our socials at- Distorted Records UK
  • CS Listener 2234 : Big ups Loomis!
  • AFR - Distorted Reco : Big ups all those locked in, Loomis live now inside the studio!
  • Crib Foster : Stinking base
  • Sam n Shane : Dizzeeeee!
  • Sam n Shane : Big up Roffey massive!
  • CS Listener 1224 : Roffey crew
  • CS Listener 1224 : big up loomis
  • CS Listener 2234 : Here for Loomis 🤙🏽
  • Daisy : Great sounds as always!
  • Daisy : This has a good summery feel 😁
  • Daisy : Hello Alex! Good to hear you this evening 😊
  • G Dog : What a tune Black Water one of the best
  • G Dog : Good day to you MistaYam awesome tunes
  • MistaYam : easy G Dog
  • MistaYam : easy General
  • Shiftz : Oi oiiiii!
  • Sam Anglo : yes yes
  • G Dog : Locked in and about to finish hectic day working at school today
  • MistaYam : 🤣
  • MistaYam : locked on ... Bottom!
  • Sam Anglo : Live In 5 People
  • G Dog : Tuned in shout to all the students doing their GCSE
  • LLAMA G : Live in 30 mins!!!
  • Alison Love David :
  • CS Listener 612 : Great poem, thanks for the programme & grooves 📀 Lainey x
  • Alison Love David : One day I'll post the show on mixcloud and the interview on youtube
  • CS Listener 612 : Yah Barney sorry missed a lot of your interview, seems great fun guy 👍
  • CS Listener 612 : Just checked the cover 😂
  • Alison Love David : I'm so glad you're enjoying it
  • A bun dance : Thanks for sharing this great interview💐
  • CS Listener 612 : What a guy, he’s bought a smile to my face, well it was there already but it’s bigger now Lainey 😁
  • Alison Love David : wicked!
  • CS Listener 612 : Managed to get home tofinish listening 👍 Lainey
  • Alison Love David : why thank you
  • SDMS : Lovely tune 🎶🙏🏼
  • SDMS : “Failure is always the best way to learn”
  • A bun dance : Still broadcasting live n direct
  • Alison Love David : the universe
  • A bun dance : Bringing in risk to the journey asks us to trust. Trust that the universe really does have our backs 🙏🙏❤️
  • Alison Love David : wasn';t that magic? playing the 'wrong' tune to demonstrate
  • A bun dance : Loving your singing on bicep.. an
  • A bun dance : The way you 2 describe failure contradicts our received notions of what failure means.. Somehow it's like you're rewriting our notions of what failure is.. a simple stepping stone on our journey in life..
  • Alison Love David : One day I must do a duet with Stevie Wonder
  • Alison Love David : I love singing on my tracks.....
  • A bun dance : Divine singing inspiration ✨✨💕
  • Alison Love David : welcome A Bun Dance
  • A bun dance : Hey Alison✨✨
  • CS Listener 4015 : Hi sister I’ve just pulled over as driving but wanted you to know I’m here listening Lainey
  • Alison Love David : Are you ready for the love transmission
  • rich m : good idea that 🙂
  • CS Listener 1 : I've had to make my coffee earlier to compensate
  • CS Listener 1 : SO sleepy!
  • Alex G : Jealous, I'm running on very little caffeine
  • Abbi : 🔥🔥
  • Abbi : Yesss now
  • COACTION : Yes Yes Manuela, big up to you girl
  • Manuela : Smashing it ggggg
  • coaction : Video Stream below party people
  • coaction :
  • coaction :
  • Manuela : Bonney la duche
  • Manuela : Xxx
  • coaction : yes yes people coaction just about to step in
  • Dryx : Can now 😛
  • Dryx : Cant hear anything
  • Dryx : Locked in diddly
  • Studio : general in da house
  • Studio : Rockerfari 6-8 Reggae drum bass jungle vibeeees
  • CS Listener 7675 : Ouch! this one!!
  • CS Listener 7674 : perfect lets go....
  • Tracer : Hey champs, hope you're having a lush day out there. 4-6 DNB - lock in and get your shoutouts @tracerdnb
  • Daren : Wilson
  • Dan Willett : Loving the tracks!
  • Ground Floor UK :
  • Ground Floor UK : @ground_floor_uk
  • Stevie Bee : Tuuunnnneeee
  • CharleneFN : yesssss big catch up when back pleeeeeaaasee xx
  • Stevie Bee : Up North, Carlisle....... Look forward to catching up when i get back 🙌 😌
  • Stevie Bee : At Euston.....
  • Stevie Bee : Just catching your last few mins 🤗😍
  • CharleneFN : Stay in touch at to see when I'm back 💜
  • CharleneFN : 🙂 Gt Your Bangers Out til midday
  • CharleneFN : aw thank you G Dog - tough decision but a must
  • Sean E Sean : 🔥🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵
  • G Dog : Morning Sean E Sean…will miss you CFN for the next few weeks but your health comes first big hugs
  • CharleneFN : ahh that sounds really nice!!! hope you have an amazing time 😀 love a reunion!!
  • Sean E Sean : Morning to MistYam and G Dog too!
  • Sean E Sean : Got a really old mates 50th saturday who i haven't seen in a long long time. So bit of a reunion. Recovery Sunday😉
  • Sean E Sean : That's me 👇
  • CS Listener 3367 : Happy Friday!love the show. Ejoy your break!😀
  • CS Listener 6901 : Great thx!
  • CS Listener 6901 : Hi there 😄 Greetz from DJ Peony from the Netherlands
  • MistaYam : Yes yes G Dog 🙌🏼
  • G Dog : Morning CFN & MistaYam
  • MistaYam : All good mate … hope ur well
  • MistaYam : Yes Charlene 👊🏼
  • CharleneFN : Ill be live 10am til midday - good morninggggg
  • Studio : Fractis 10-12
  • Sea siren : Returbing a old shared garden shack. Space to chill, reflect, enjoy sunshine. Much love
  • Sea siren : I'm
  • CS Listener 3349 : loving this !!
  • CS Listener 3702 : CS Listener 3702
  • CS Listener 1828 : i’
  • yinka : we live
  • MistaYam : class Rich ... catch you next week
  • sofabum : Hoping you'll upload the show Rich so I can listen again - maybe even make it part of the soundtrack to the outdoor garden party on Saturday!!
  • Jim B : Nice one Rich! Great show as always
  • sofabum : Wishing you all a Fresh and Fruity weekend. Caught the last 8 minutes of the show - travelling to Copenhagen. The one in Denmark I hope. Thats just how I roll. Yea right! Have a good one all!
  • MistaYam : Rich Mathias ... launching you headfirst into the workday! #energy!
  • MistaYam : Locked on Rich ... morning all
  • Jim B : more of this Rich! Loving it
  • Jim B : I'm not wanting to do any work at the moment Rich. Feel like i need a fully reclined smoke and chill......
  • Jim B : Nice tune!
  • Sean in Worthing : Good coffee and Wake Up with Rich, what a great start to the day 🙂
  • Jim B : Morning Rich, morning all from a dry and calm Birmingham
  • Alex G : Good morning Kruder and Richmeister
  • Pegleg : Oi Oi let’s have it
  • Pegleg : Nice one bruvaaaaaaaa
  • Zack : A quick flying visit to say hey!
  • HalfWay Ouse : hello hello hello - live @ 18:00
  • MistaYam : easy slikmix
  • MistaYam : Yes Sam
  • Slikmix : Afternoon 🙂

Later on today!